Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!
It almost feels strange saying that because it kinda feels like Halloween here in, OH. At least for me it does. It's such a dreary day. Every so often there are these strong gusts of wind. The weather has warmed up a bit, (so happy about that) so the leaves and branches are flying around out there. Just looks like a windy fall day out my window.
There a few things I would like to let you all know... If you have sent me an email and I have not responded, I apologize. I am still in the process of getting up to date with all my emails. Not having a computer for just one week, can really set you back! I also have my two ADORABLE little girls who crave my attention (and I theirs) so sometimes, cyber-space must wait...
Also, I WILL be posting a bow tutorial soon... I thought I would have time this week, but my daughter had a big project for school that I helped her with and that took up quite a lot of time! (We had to create a Valentine's box and make 30 Valentine's Day cards. Layla has really acquired the creative gene. Every one of those cards had to be PERFECT!)
I wanted to upload some pictures of scrapbook pages I have made. As you might already know... I started out scrapbooking. When it came to making a card... I just plain DREADED it! Now, I just can't seem to stop myself from making cards. I will need to get back into scrapboking though, there are just a TON of photos that are SCREAMING my name!
Here is a two page layout I created of my daughter Layla Paige. One of our FAVORITE books to read is, "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. It was the first book Layla memorized. Anytime we asked her to choose a book (and this was before she was two) she chose, "The Giving Tree." We still can read it without even looking at the book. It is such an amazing book, wether you are an adult or child. It is just so full of meaning.
Anyway, as you can see I love that book! So... one fall day last year, I had a little photo shoot with Layla and took a TON of photos of her. I could SEE the scrapbook page being created in my head with each and every shot.

It took me quite a while to finish these pages. But, it is Layla in a nutshell! She LOVES being outdoors. She collects all kinds of things like acorns, leaves, dirt, sticks, etc... She has such an imagination! She LOVED these pages when I showed them to her. I cut out the tree myself and texturized it and then sponged some ink on it. Then I used a BUNCH of buttons for the leaves and branches! That was fun! I felt like it looked a little "boy-ish" so I added a few flowers on the first page. For the second page, I left the flowers out focusing more on her and the rest of the quote from the book. If you didn't know, the book starts out with, "Once there was a tree, as she loved a little boy." Well, I changed it a bit to suit my little Layla girl... Hope you like these pages!

Below is a page I created for my daughter, Brooklyn Sophia. My husband had taken these photos of Brooklyn and I and to be honest I do not remember him doing so. When we got home and uploaded the pictures to our computer, I cried. He captured such an amazing moment. The room was quiet, it was just Mike, Brooklyn and I and she was beginning to really open her eyes and look around. Just amazing... Again, when I saw these photos, I just couldn't wait to scrap them! I think this one came out really great!
Hope you like it, too! I absolutely LOVE these photos. My mother had a dinner at her house where everyone brought a dish that was made from a Julia Child recipe. After we all ate dinner, we watched the movie, "Julie and Julia." My mom bought these Tulips and placed them in the center of the table @ dinner. A few days after the party, I noticed they were starting to wilt. So... I dressed Brooklyn up in this cute little outfit, stuck a bow in her hair, and let her "play" with the Tulips. At first, she was quite gentle. She had no idea what Tulips were and she was probably a bit confused as to why I would just prop her up on a table and let her play with these flowers! What you don't know is, when my oldest, Layla was just under two years old, I have propped her up on a table where there were sunflowers and let her play with them as well. There is the sweetest photo of Layla smelling this HUGE sunflower. It is one of my all time favorite pictures of my Layla girl. Anyway, I was kinda trying to mimic that moment we had with Layla, with Brooklyn! I have added the photo of Layla with the sunflower below... take a peak!! It's a cute one!! :o)

I am so happy I got to share these pages with you. They are very special to me. I hope you all have a beautiful day filled with lots of love!!
Till next time...